Housing finance major HDFC will merge with its subsidiary HDFC Bank on Saturday as their respective boards have cleared the proposal on Friday. Following the reverse merger, the 44-year-old institution HDFC Ltd would cease to exist from July 1 onwards. HDFC Ltd, the country's first home finance company, will lose its identity on Saturday. "Saturday, July 1, 2023, to be the 'Effective Date' of the composite scheme of amalgamation, on which date the certified order of the NCLT sanctioning the Scheme will be filed by HDFC Investments, HDFC Holdings, HDFC Limited and HDFC Bank with the RoC," HDFC Bank said in a regulatory filing. The board of directors of HDFC Bank in consultation with the board of directors of HDFC Limited has fixed July 13, 2023, for determining the shareholders of HDFC Ltd who would be issued and allotted the shares of HDFC Bank, it added. Besides, July 13 has been fixed for the continuation of warrants of HDFC Limited in the name of HDFC Bank....
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